Do You Want To Be On Only Connect?
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Happy Christmas! Hope you all have a lovely festive season.
And if your New Year’s Resolution is to take part in television’s cleverest quiz: read on…
Do you usually get a few points when you see the show on TV? Can you solve some of the online walls? Do you have two equally lateral-thinking friends? Can you think of a common bond that would do for a team name? Are you over 18 and a UK resident? If so, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) before the end of January for an application form (do include your phone number).
Here is the official stuff for prospective contestants:
Victoria Coren presents the 6th series of the popular BBC Four quiz show ONLY CONNECT where, as in life itself, knowledge will only take you so far: patience and lateral thinking are also vital. It’s all about making connections between things which may appear, at first glance, not to be connected at all.
We’re looking for teams of three players who share a common passion, ability or profession, to pool their combined wits to solve fiendish conundrums and vexing puzzles.
To request an application please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) including a contact number. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 31st January 2012, so get them in as soon as possible.
If you applied for a previous series, but were unsuccessful, you are welcome to apply again for the new series.
Auditions will be held in regional centres across the UK. All applicants must be aged 18+ and UK residents.
Deadline: 31 January 2012
Show type: Series
Interview expenses paid?: No
Show expenses paid?: Yes
Interview cities: Across the UK
fingéro at 4:01 pm on December 24th, 2011
Deck the walls!
Merry Christmas Victoria!
DW at 7:06 pm on December 24th, 2011
Quizzing friends have been sought… Happy Holidays VC….You deserve a well-earned break! Any New Year resolutions - let us know…
Mike Sivier at 12:39 am on January 11th, 2012
The Only Connect application form is one of the few rites of passage left to British people who want to prove they are intelligent life forms.
Last year my team failed to qualify by a narrow margin. I was heartbroken. But when I watched the series, I was absolutely delighted that we’d failed, because it took three episodes before I could get a single answer right!
Now my sanity has failed me and I’ve sent off for the application form again.
And I strongly urge others to do the same. You never know what might happen - you might end up defeating the Crossworders (but I doubt it)!
Timbo at 7:18 pm on January 23rd, 2012
We now urgently need a third person to form a team for the next series. If anyone’s interested go to, register and respond to the blog in the ‘Quiz Discussion’ section.
Timbo at 9:13 pm on January 24th, 2012
Just to say thanks to Victoria Coren for tweeting about the above.
Timbo at 5:37 pm on January 30th, 2012
Just to say that we’ve now submitted our application but are still looking for a reserve if anyone’s interested.
I’m eternally grateful for Victoria Coren’s help in this one.
Korfball Stu at 3:39 pm on February 20th, 2012
I have not submitted a team application to be on Only Connect this time; having tried and failed twice with two different teams, I have given up… to be fair the main reason I entered in the first place was to try and invite VC out for drinks at my local pub or “bandit country” as I know it! A lost cause I’m sure… still… never say never.