Victoria Coren Mitchell - Writer, Broadcaster & Poker Player

Heresy Competition Winner

Sunday, 21 April 2013

  RIGHT, well, thank you all very much for so many excellent suggestions on the earlier thread asking for Heresy topic ideas.

  Not everyone completely grasped the principle of a Heresy  Received Opinion (maybe because they haven’t heard the show, or maybe just because it’s a slightly fiddly concept - Lord knows we have trouble every series trying to sum it up in a neat one-liner at the beginning). For example, there were many great, funny posts where the statements were themselves jokes, or funny contrary opinions - but the principle of the show is that these are not contrary opinions - that they are widely held statements of public belief. It’s great if they’re ones that aren’t immediately obvious (that people don’t realise they agree with until they think about it), but they do need to be ones that the majority of people do agree with (or would). It’s supposed to be difficult for the guests on the show to argue against them and persuade the audience to change their minds!

  But I enjoyed reading them all, and many of them were terrific Heresy ideas. I’m sure a few of them will crop up in the series, either because they’re great ideas that we’re grateful to use, or because they’re ones we’d already thought of and were doing them (or a version of them) anyway.

  Enough preamble! I have to pick a winner, but - stop press - I’ve decided to have TWO winners, to reflect what a great response it was. Those winners are Pauline, who was only the second person to post on the thread, and Ros who was about the 25th. Pauline wins because her ideas were so good that we might well use two of them - and they weren’t ones we’d thought of before - “Customer services should be better than they are” and “Signing a pre-nup is not romantic.” And Ros because we might use two of those as well - which wasn’t the criterion for winning; a single great suggestion could also have done it - but Ros happened to send a long list of ideas that could ALL work well on the show, which I thought was very impressive.

  I also very much liked the intro to Pauline’s post, saying that she played a version of Heresy with friends, which sounds like an excellent idea.

  So, Pauline and Ros, you will be getting emails to ask your postal addresses, so that your prize bottles of champagne can be sent. Congratulations! (And Pauline, I hope it eases the trauma of the house move…)

  And thanks to all for taking part in such good spirit, with my little competition. Free tickets to watch a recording are still available for the dates of Friday May 24th (6.30 or 8pm) Wednesday June 5th (6.30 or 8pm) - click on those green links if you want to apply. But if you don’t come along, of course, you’ll still be able to hear Heresy on the radio in a few weeks’ time!

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Pauline at 8:59 pm on April 26th, 2013

I have already received my Champagne! Thank you very much.
My life is a right mess at the moment, so I don’t really have a good occasion to drink it, but do I really need one? It’s pouring down outside, I have invited my neighbour to eat a chocolate cake and watch The Muppets Movie for the millionth time. I think tonight the fate of the bottle is sealed.
Thanks again. I can’t wait to hear how my suggestions will be discussed.
Best wishes

Mark miller at 10:43 pm on May 2nd, 2013

I have just watched question time on bbc 1, and I loved your attitude and your arguments.
I hope your present career goes well, but if ever you grow bored, you should become a politician!
You would be very popular :)

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