I Never Met A Canadian I Didn’t Like
Thursday, 1 October 2009
This is an explanation for anyone who might have seen my comments on Twitter today about “Eric”. This is the story behind them.
“I never met a Canadian I didn’t like.” That’s what I told Michael McDonald this morning, during the early levels of Day Two in the EPT High Roller event. Every Canadian I’ve ever met, and every Dane, is somehow sweet-natured and lovely. My theory about Canadians is that they (unlike us Londoners) have a lot of space around them. So other people aren’t a threat of any kind. Although that doesn’t explain the Danes. How big is Denmark? Bigger than London, I’m guessing.
Anyway, I’d forgotten about Eric. Horrible Eric from the World Series of Poker. He sat down at my table in one of the Vegas events, looking like… well, I don’t think he looks scary, but he looks like he wants to be scary. He has a big old pumped-up chest and enormous arms, down which he has tattooed the legend LIVE HARD. Doesn’t mean he isn’t a nice guy. I started out friendly, like I always do.
“Luckily” I chuckled to him in a friendly, flirty way, “We don’t live very hard, do we? Poker’s pretty good fun. Just sitting around, playing cards and drinking tea.”
Eric gave me the stare. Then he said, in a strong French-Canadian accent, “I am not gay.”
“What an odd thing to say”, I said. “Why should I care if you’re gay or not?”
We didn’t talk further. Later in the tournament, a hand came up between me and Rob Hollink - a very good and skilled Dutch poker player. To cut a long story short, on the river I checked a small full house on a double-paired board. I won’t go into detail, but I made the equation between the chance of Rob calling me with a worse hand, against the chance that he was trap-checking me with a better hand, and decided to check behind. I won the pot and Eric roared with laughter.
“She check a full ‘ouse!” he shouted at the man next to him.
“Well”, I said, “I didn’t think he would call if…”
“NO!” Eric held up a big meaty hand. “You have ‘umiliated yourself in front of everyone. The more you say, the worse it get.”
Here is a photo of Eric.
I forgot about him until we met again today in the EPT London High Roller event. Did you see the comments on Twitter and wonder what the problem was? This is the problem.
Eric does not speak to me directly. Eric watches me play, listens to me speak, then turns to his (male) neighbours and makes loud critical comments about me. It is very peculiar. There was a hand today where William Thorson (a shorter stack than me) raised into my small blind when I held the strong hand of KQ of spades. I flat called, as this is a good drawing hand and I wanted to see the flop before committing. The flop came 5-7-7. Not exactly “a hit” but I decided that my hand was almost certainly winning anyway (Thorson is a regular raiser), so I checked to let him continuation-bet, planning to check-raise him all in. But clever William checked behind. The turn paired the 5 and I checked for the same reason. He checked again. The river was a 6. Well, it was now too late to bet. He would call me with a weak ace - or, with nothing, he might suddenly raise all in and land me with a nasty decision. The best move was for me to check and call, as this gave him one last chance to bluff. When he checked, and I showed KQ to win the pot, William said, “Damn, I should have bet the flop!”
I like William, a fellow member of Team Pokerstars Pro and a nice, funny, likeable guy, so I told him in all honesty, “I wouldn’t have passed on the flop.”
Across the table, Eric slammed his sausagey fist into Matt Glanz, who sat next to him. “She wouldn’t ‘ave passed on the flop, she say! Hahaha! She be too scared to call even with two pair there!”
I looked at him, puzzled, but he didn’t look back.
A few hands later, I saw William Thorson go to raise under the gun. Then, oddly, he looked up, looked round the table and limped instead of raising. Several players limped behind him and the flop came 9 5 3. William Thorson and Matt Glanz entered a raising war and got the chips all in. Glanz (the big blind) showed 95 for two pair. Thorson showed A9 of clubs and was knocked out. As he walked away, Andrew Feldman (sitting next to me) said quietly to me, “That was a strange way to play A9.” I replied - to Feldman and only to Feldman - “He was going to raise but he changed his mind. I think maybe he sensed that someone else around the table had a hand and he didn’t want to get raised.”
Eric thumped Matt Glanz so hard, the poor man nearly fell backwards out of his chair. “She think Thorson ‘ave a read, when ‘e is first to speak!”
“But of course that’s possible”, I said to Eric. “You can get a read on people before they’ve acted. They can react to their cards, they can look at their chips, they can look to see where the button is… of course people have tells before they bet.”
“She thinks they ‘ave tells when they ‘ave not even bet!” Eric screamed at Matt Glanz, almost helpless with scornful laughter.
It was like he physically could not look at me, could not speak to me. And yet, over and over again, he reacted to things I said or did by making derisive or scornful or critical comments to his neighbours.
I wondered why I was letting it get to me, when poker players act like idiots the world over, and I usually like everybody or at least find them funny. Why be so upset by this guy? I thought maybe it was the annoyance of sensing that he has some sort of problem with women. I thought maybe it was the stress of getting near the final table in such a significant tournament, having a premonition that I might just miss out on the final (as I did, out in tenth place when the final table was for eight). But I realized, walking away, feeling a little guilty about my anti-Eric tweets, exactly what it was that bothered me. It was like being back at school.
That technique - of talking about you negatively, addressed to someone else but deliberately in your earshot - is what school bullies do. At school, they make the comments about your clothes, your hair, your body shape. But the principle is the same. That’s what chilled me: feeling again like the gauche kid who couldn’t get anything right, with the Big Successful Bully sharing jokes at my expense with a crowd who didn’t quite feel ready to stand up to him.
It was especially upsetting since, as I’ve written in my book, one of the things I loved about poker to begin with was the escape from the snidey-gossipy atmosphere of school. Poker was my alternative universe where that sort of thing didn’t happen; I don’t want it to take me back there.
Luckily, these days, I can stand up for myself. I told him across the table, before I left, that I thought he was a horrible man. I told him I had to assume it was accidental, since nobody could possibly be that rude deliberately. I told him I didn’t like him. And I’m glad, I’m glad. I’m glad that I texted my annoyance to Twitter, where lovely fellow Tweeters sent supportive messages back. And I’m glad I told him he was horrible, because you can’t really be bullied unless you let yourself be, and I was glad to remember that I won’t let myself be, any more. And I’m glad because, having said my piece, I am free to feel a bit sorry for Eric, assume he has problems like everyone else does, and I am determined to be nice to him the next time we meet.
Eric is going into tomorrow’s High Roller final as chip leader and will probably win it. I don’t care if he does. Good luck to him. If poker were a meritocracy of ethics, first prize would go to Adolpho Vaeza: a charming, sweet, gentlemanly Uruguayan player, at whom Eric also laughed heartily and nastily, I suspect because Adolpho is older than Eric believes successful poker players should be.
I will be delighted if Adolpho wins. But I won’t care if Eric does, because poker doesn’t work like that. I will try to be happy for Eric and hope that a win makes him happy. I am only sorry for one thing: that I finally met a Canadian I didn’t like.
1 - Matt Glantz, USA, £542,000
2 - Erik Cajelais, Canada, £326,000
3 - Eugene Katchalov, USA, £193,000
4 - Adolfo Vaeza, Uruguay, £141,000
5 - Leo Fernandez, Argentina (Team PokerStars Pro) £104,000
6 - Ilari Sahamies, Finland, £74,000
7 - Dennis Phillips, USA (Team PokerStars Pro) £60,000
8 - Shane Reihill, Ireland, £45,000
Him1977 at 11:50 pm on October 1st, 2009
Many of us have been there, whatever you say to these people they simply turn it against you and try and make you out to be the fool, when we’re younger it can really rip into us, but as we age hopefully we realise that everyone around them is actually thinking the same as you, that they are the fool not you.
Kudos for making a stand.
Harry at 11:54 pm on October 1st, 2009
Seriously Vicky, well done. Been following your tweets and, tho he obviously was, don’t think you were ever rude. Shame you didn’t make the eight, bullies should never win.
Best, H
Rainbow at 11:55 pm on October 1st, 2009
Bad luck today Vicky, sounds like you came very close. Don’t worry about this bloke. Probably fancies you. Best of luck in the EPT, win it again ;)
Jon at 12:00 am on October 2nd, 2009
It’s clear to me as an amateur poker player that you know your stuff. I have had people attempt to bully me at the table before, and attempt to intimidate me because I do not have puppies for arms or some other physical presence.
As you clearly pointed out, you back yourself on making the right decisions and on average they win out. However, sometimes the arrogant player who likes to bully may also win.
At work (which poker is when you play professionally) you will encounter people you do not like, and they may not like you. Those people may be successful. You either accept this or get yourself out of the situation.
All the best
Daisy at 12:06 am on October 2nd, 2009
Wow. Just wow. What a complete dickhead. I think people sometimes forget when they wonder why more women don’t play poker that, while most guys are perfectly nice, there are still some horrible misogynists out there. He is clearly a miserable steroid-head. Did no one at the table stick up for you?? Oh and please DON’T be nice to him next time you see him, I get the feeling you’re just trying to be diplomatic becasue you have a sponsor.
JamesM at 12:09 am on October 2nd, 2009
Blimey. You held back very well there. Gutted for you you didn’t river him horrifically, or better still completely nail him with a 7-2 bluff.
Look on the bright side, he’s grim as…you’re lovely and not a nasty thing, will be amused when he gets ruined on the final table. Even if he wins, he’s no Coren !
Adam S at 12:34 am on October 2nd, 2009
As a Canadian (from Montreal), reading this, your tweets become clearer. Admittedly there are always idiots and bullies in any group of people in life. However, French Canadians occasionally have chips on their shoulders (unintended pun, but I like it) and can be bigger idiots than most. Sounds like he has a serious inferiority complex. Probably never got picked for the hockey team. Poor thing. He has to live with himself all the time, too. You don’t. Phew.
David Bailey at 1:04 am on October 2nd, 2009
Sadly, we all bump into these type of people periodically. What do we do ? Get angry or feel pity ? A bit of both generally and a week later we wonder why we even bothered giving a toss. Sounds like you handled yourself admirably though.
All the best.
BoomBoom at 1:43 am on October 2nd, 2009
Surely that should be “pommes frites” on their shoulders!
RomanticRecluse at 1:50 am on October 2nd, 2009
Sorry to hear about your trouble with Eric. He sounds vile and reminds me of bullies I’ve known. It may sound strange and it may be no comfort but at least he did what he did in public and his only weapons were words. When they think they’re not being watched egomaniacs can be extremely dangerous.
You’re right to stand up for yourself and it’s good that you are prepared to wish him luck but I doubt Eric will change and if he can’t bully you in future he’ll bully someone else. I don’t know how to solve the problem of bullying but I would favour ostracism. However, in order to work there needs to be a strong enough front and I don’t think that’s likely to ever exist because some people are cowed into silence and bullies are prepared to back each other up.
Drumvesta at 2:16 am on October 2nd, 2009
It’s a shame when someone like that is around to spoil someone else’s enjoyment. It is hard to imagine what turns someone into such an unpleasant person. If I’d been at the table, or even in the room, I would have had to say something to him, even though I know you can look after yourself, I would not be able to help myself….. what a plonker!
I agree with the post above…. don’t be nice to him on your next encounter—pour a glass of something sticky over his silly head.
Brabazon at 2:39 am on October 2nd, 2009
He clearly feels threatened by you. It’s quite flattering, really… I’m surprised you let him get to you as much as he did. You win, regardless… :)
tomjoneslol at 5:55 am on October 2nd, 2009
Who cares what that oversized buffoon says. Just keep playing your game and ignore him. And stop being so nice to everyone ! It’s tilting to watch.
GL in EPT ! :D
Greg Lovett at 6:08 am on October 2nd, 2009
I don’t know what you were like in school….it’s hard to believe you were as ugly and clumsy as you claim. In any case, I would be grateful for those times if I were you…..they have made you into a incredible woman. You are smart, witty, insightful, kind, funny and - dare I say it (not that you would believe me) - very beautiful. You just need to quit smoking :)
Erik Jensen at 7:28 am on October 2nd, 2009
It’s his way of intimidating you, that’s why he has the tats and steroid arms, he uses that to intimidate the men on the table. People like him go through life getting what they want through fear, his tactics have worked I’m sorry to say as he put your thoughts off the game and onto how to react to him. I would find a way to turn ur back on him, he’s obviously either gay or a homo-phobe judging by his first words to you, keep talking about gay friends coming to meet you, he won’t want to share the same space as them and it’ll put him right off his game. Don’t get mad get even.
Emma at 7:59 am on October 2nd, 2009
I love your writing, Victoria, but have absolutely no idea about poker. Still find myself following all your tournaments with genuine excitment - such is the quality of your writing about them (even in 140 characters!). I don’t understand what this man said to you, but he sounds like a moron, and you definitely came out better than he did. Well done to you, and I hope you beat him next time. I, you see, will care if he wins because I am not so nice as you are!! And I shall be delighted if you do. Good luck!!
PS your book is on my Christmas wish list - got to have something to look forward to!!
thrimpton at 8:57 am on October 2nd, 2009
The way I see it, I’m guessing that he could see he was upsetting you and tried to make is worse to put you on tilt and poss play back at him with inferior hands? I’m sure you were wise to it…........ and more importantly rose above it. Sounds like a right charmer.
Anyway can’t think of anyhing worse than bubbling on £40k prize money. very unlucky. Thanks for tweeting updates yesterday. It made my dull day at the office bearable!
James at 9:49 am on October 2nd, 2009
it’s really simple. it’s called tiny penis syndrome or zero self-esteem syndrome. [MOD: I HAD TO TAKE OUT A SUGGESTION HERE JUST IN CASE WE GET SUED, COULDN’T REALLY SAY THAT, SORRY..!] Their self-esteem is built on their body image.
It’s admirable that you are willing to give him another chance but please don’t waste your time trying to be nice to him, you would just play right into his bag and set your self up for another round of abuse .
Great book btw
C Scott at 10:23 am on October 2nd, 2009
So what did he say when you told Eric the Horrible that he is, indeed, horrible? I hope he guffawed loudly to his neighbours repeating the accusation thus ‘umiliating himself as the room silently agreed with you (as Him1977 above says). And he’s NOT GAY, ok?!
Jim at 11:29 am on October 2nd, 2009
‘I’m not gay’. Brilliant. Sounds (and looks) like a massive closet case of self loathing.
Leigh at 11:46 am on October 2nd, 2009
Yeah, French Canadians are a bit different…
BTW I don’t quite get your Guardian column this week. Yes it’s overaggro from the Scandi with AQ, but given that you’re chastising him for nearly getting himself himself knocked out for overplaying, how does RDW come out as the hero for calling off 150+bb preflop with JJ? Especially when nowadays it’s fairly standard in some circles to flat the initial raise with AA/KK in the scandi’s position expecting a BB squeeze from the shortstack and the precise same subsequent action from RDW. And Roland calls with Jacks? And gets himself knocked out unnecessarily because he “doesn’t feel like passing”? Overaggro push, but terrible call.
Eve at 11:49 am on October 2nd, 2009
He just wants to have Le Sex with you…
Just wait & see, but dont let him “get there”!
mark at 11:56 am on October 2nd, 2009
Well done yesterday Vicky and that piece you just wrote sums up what we all feel about idiots like him. There’s no just justice in poker but hopefully we won’t be seeing him lift the title. The guy is clearly a total jerk with major issues, gl in todays EPT Main Event!!
Andy W at 12:08 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Early consensus on 2+2 (which I fully support) is that he almost certainly is, if I can get away with saying that.
H. Zinser at 1:44 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Just reading that is making me quite angry. What a vile, unpleasant piece of work Cajelais obviously is. It’s also disappointing that, as far as I can make out, no one else at the table stood up to this scumbag.
Good luck in the main event thingy today/tomorrow anyway, Vicky.
David Young at 1:52 pm on October 2nd, 2009
This same man won the ROE competition last week:
Sounds like he’s rather insecure. Not sure that any amount of money or muscle will make him happy.
Geo at 2:03 pm on October 2nd, 2009
I reckon he’s [NERVOUSLY EDITED BY MOD], and obviously doesn’t know how to relate to an attractive woman.
Just finished reading the book - great stuff!
Jody Fayant at 2:34 pm on October 2nd, 2009
I too am going through the same thing as you Vicky. Except it’s with an East Indian guy from Calgary who shows up at all the Canadian Poker Tour events that I go to. He is relentless on making me miserable, he mocks my weight in front of others and follows me around and puts a bounty on me when he is gone from the tourney and watches my game until I bust out, so weird? I am far superior player than he is and this is the only thing I can think of as to why he has such a problem with me. Anyway, I’m so glad that i started following you on twitter, you are very lovely. Cheers from Canada.
mastaful at 2:54 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Side effects of steroid use.
Severe mood swings,Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that are not really there
Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust and fear
Anxiety and panic attacks
Depression and thoughts of suicide
An angry, hostile, or irritable mood
Malc at 2:54 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Hi Vicky
Just beat him,and laugh at him! (the tosser!!!)
H. Zinser at 4:32 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Also - the bit where you explain to him why you checked your FH on the river.
Trying to explain yourself was understandable but a mistake. Firstly, you don’t need to justify your play to anyone, and certainly not to morons like him. If a friendly player enagages you in discussion of a hand then that’s one thing - but if a player challenges you in an aggressive way then it’s quite another.
Not only is it none of their business, but if they are a poor player then you may be teaching them something they don’t know, and if they are a good player then you are giving them an insight into how you think. If someone challenges me on my play I say something meaningless like “I like gambling” or I might just smile and shrug. But never explain and never feel you have to justify yourself.
Jouni at 4:37 pm on October 2nd, 2009
I was playing poker while reading this and I almost had to stop because I got so tilted just reading about this guy. He almost seems like a cliché. A big, strong bully with low self esteem and homophobia (evident by the “I’m not gay” comment).
It’s a good thing you have a good head on your shoulders and you can just shake this off. Even if you don’t wish bad things for Eric yourself, I hope you don’t mind if I do. :)
Guys like this never deserve the success they get, but, like someone already mentioned, you just can’t win going against them, because that would require sinking down to their level.
GL in the tourney.
Julia at 5:47 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Hmmm. Insecure about his sexuality, probably intimidated by women and quite possibly (as James says) has a tiny penis. Sounds like a lovely bloke. As a sensitive soul who’s rubbish at standing up for myself I really admire your refusal to let him get away with it and can only aspire to have your strength of character. You’re a role model to us all. x
danny maris at 6:30 pm on October 2nd, 2009
I always hope with those gorilla tattoos that the tattooist has written something rude about them in a foreign language having got p’d off with their general meatheadedness during the tattoo session. It’s not as though your average tattooee (I just made that word up) is going to know what it says in Urdu or Mandarin or Sanskrit is it?
Anyway, well done for maintaining a dignified response. Some women I know might have been inclined to comment on his shoe size there and then.
PaulInSweden at 10:16 pm on October 2nd, 2009
I’m writing this having just finished your book and, I have to say, I thought it was better than any other book I’ve read about the game - and I’ve read a lot of them!
Brilliant. Thank you for three wonderfully entertaining evenings.
Steven at 10:53 pm on October 2nd, 2009
This happens all the time, jerks are everywhere, u let him get to you waaaaaaaaaaay too easily.
Dan at 11:21 pm on October 2nd, 2009
Does the mod have a twitter account? I want to follow her, as she obviously has a good line in wit.
Show yourself! (That’s not a command, only if you want to.)
Jimmy Arrier at 12:22 am on October 3rd, 2009
Time for a song!
He’s a lumberjack and he’s a shite
He sleeps all day and he works all night
He cuts down trees, he wears high heels
Suspendies and a bra (nb when he stops working out, he WILL have nice tits!)
Whistle the tune next time you see him!
Tom at 12:50 am on October 3rd, 2009
He now has £326k to spend on:
a) More gym equipment
c) Psychologists
WP GG NH Vicky.
Fitch at 1:37 am on October 3rd, 2009
Sorry you didn’t make the final Vicky. About Denmark, I lived in Copenhagen for two years in the mid 80’s. I had the time of my life playing in a band there, the Danes were cool then. I’m still in touch with some. But I visited last Nov and the same disease that is happening here and elsewhere is taking over. The bullies will win the way it’s going, unless more people like you behave the way you did. Good on ya!
But I hope he doesn’t win.
Are you somehow related to Dr Alice Roberts? I’ve just watched a programme of the good doctor and she so reminded me of you, in lots of ways. Has anybody else noticed this? Hey I’ve just had 2 pieces published!
Take care
Steve at 2:42 am on October 3rd, 2009
On a plus note… I have something he doesn’t and probably never will. A signed copy of your book. Gratefully received today :)
Perry Garland at 9:27 am on October 3rd, 2009
I don’t know why, but looking at these arms I am reminded of Bluto from Popeye, similar people really.
I recently bought For Richer, For Poorer. I couldn’t put it down. I was getting sick of the internet kids’ constant stories of parties, bling and babes (which worries me, because I am technically one of those internet kids.)
Great book, good luck in the future.
Jack Starr at 2:02 pm on October 3rd, 2009
I love the book, good luck in the future.
leon71 at 2:08 pm on October 3rd, 2009
Just briefly, taking a snippit of what you wrote and copying it back to you I hope makes a bit of a point:
“… sharing jokes at my expense with a crowd who didn’t quite feel ready to stand up to him.”
So, not “sharing” then.
“Gauche”, hmm interesting word. Being a heavy right hemisphere science’y type I had to look that one up: “Lacking social polish”. My dear, you’re in a different league.
leon71 at 2:15 pm on October 3rd, 2009
Woops, that should have been ‘left-hemisphere’ in my post. - So, not that science’y then!!
robgibraltar at 5:07 pm on October 3rd, 2009
maybe he owned the amsterdam hotel you did that filming in ;)
Dean72 at 7:23 pm on October 3rd, 2009
I’d say that you handled this as well as you could have, given the restraints of being a lady, as well as being a representative of an organization like Poker Stars.
Bullies come in various forms, but it sounds to me as if this fellow reminded you of a jealous female teenager.
Maybe I am reading too much into a few of these various descriptions, but it also sounds as if he has several potential shortcomings besides his blatant rudeness.
As expected, you handled this quite well. One thing for certain Victoria, Eric will always be miserable, and you’ll always be lovely.
Okeephe at 1:42 am on October 4th, 2009
Never confuse Quebecois with Canadian. I am talking those that live in Quebec but do not consider themselves ‘Canadian’.
They are considered, worldwide, second only to Americans in the depths of their rudeness.
For this guy, you as a lady, will have to wait until a major televised event, where he atarts his rampage, then in very low but clear terms tell him you’re very sorry if ‘lil ol me intimidates you but sit down, shut up and play.’
If it were me (and he would never do this to me for this reason) at some point through I’d turn to him and smoke him in the face, hard.
Then I would hope security would save me. :^)
He only does it because he thinks he’s safe, and you intimidate him. Think of it as his self-defense system.
Jason Reichert at 12:00 am on October 9th, 2009
Yeah, you finally met a Canadian dickhead. Trust me, there aren’t very many of them. Most of the Canadians I know are just as you described, but some of them are indeed in very sparsely populated areas! I would know…I live in Minneapolis and we’re about as close to central Canada as any major US city (five hour drive and you’re at the border leaving here in several directions). Anyhoo, you handled that about as well as anyone could have…no way I’m that polite about it. I’m not a small fry myself and could have landed a good series of left hooks on his fatso chin (6’0, 245 pounds I am).
You are a real charmer, and if I get to Vegas anytime soon I’ll see if I can find you there at the same time.
ian wells at 11:16 pm on October 12th, 2009
well what a pillock. Some people behave like that, he defoe fancies you and that’s the root of his behaviour towards you. He’s a bit of a lump really so none of the men/other players fancied getting into a “debate” with him. anyway as stated earlier he’s a penis and you are rather nice,so that is that! gl and all that vicky,ian.
C Scott at 4:42 pm on October 30th, 2009
From The Onion “Group Of Popular Girls Reduces Nation To Tears” http://ow.ly/15Yl9I
“Even Barack Obama wasn’t spared from the popular teens’ contempt.
“I was working hard on a plan to reduce U.S. oil consumption, and they were just sitting there smirking and pointing at me the whole time,” said Obama, who overheard the girls whispering that he shouldn’t have bailed out the U.S. auto industry without first calling for stronger provisions to improve fuel efficiency. “But that’s how they operate. They find one little flaw in your energy policy and relentlessly make fun of you for it.”
“They’re probably laughing at me right now,” Obama added. “I hate those girls!”
... When asked for further comment, the teenagers pointed at reporters, giggled, and said, “Whatever.””
DrK at 1:42 am on December 9th, 2009
Eric obviously has relationship (intimacy) issues with women in general and/or perceived a threat from a smart “girl” in a game still dominated by men. The troubling aspect of this episode is not with the bully. Rather, it is that you were tilted by his provocations which unwittingly succeeded in evoking some very unpleasant adolescent memories from school. This is your leak. May I suggest that you look into meditation as a solution. As you advance in your practice, you will find none of these will touch you ever again. You will be at peace within and without you. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Speak to Andy Black first, he has practiced mahayana meditation. It is important to get it right the first time.
123 at 6:32 pm on May 11th, 2010
Don’t be nice to him. Civil maybe. But he evidently doesn’t deserve people to be nice to him.
Try not to let him dredge up bad memories…
Alexander at 8:16 pm on August 6th, 2011
Good for you and for the solid thought process you possess! As a Canadian, I thank you for your observant remarks about us. Without trying to stir any “ethnic” passions - God knows we still have a few remnants of the “French - English” antagonisms still brewing, particularly in Eastern Canada. The gentleman may be carrying a double-burden in his mind, a cultural and a gender stereotype which he is unable to escape. Keep smiling and rolling. No Canadian in his right mind would be rude to you…