Victoria Coren Mitchell - Writer, Broadcaster & Poker Player

My Teenage Diary

Sunday, 15 April 2012

  Apparently they repeated the episode of My Teenage Diary that I did with Rufus Hound - I didn’t put it on the news page of this site because I didn’t know it was happening! But if you’re curious (this is a show where guests read extracts from their old teenage diaries, as the title suggests…) then it’s available to “Listen Again” on the Radio 4 website for the next few days here.

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Sam at 8:58 pm on April 15th, 2012

Thanks for posting, good fun. 
One thing I am interested in that is not covered.  You say you no longer write a diary.  As a teenager the impression one has is that you were a keen diarist.  At what point did you call a halt to it?  The final cut of the programme says why, but not when.

A. Person at 9:25 pm on April 15th, 2012

That was funny - “turned out he was German.” Sunday afternoons were made for Radio 4.

Victoria Oakey at 10:20 pm on April 15th, 2012

This entertained me greatly on a long journey home. I was laughing out loud on the M4! Fantastic insight into the teenage mind that we can all relate to.

Victoria Coren at 10:37 pm on April 15th, 2012

Hi Sam. I can’t remember exactly when I stopped, but I think it was when I went to university. It just seemed like the right time.

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