Victoria Coren Mitchell - Writer, Broadcaster & Poker Player

Question Time

Thursday, 5 November 2015

  For some inexplicable reason, I said I’d do Question Time tonight. I thought, you know, I’ve been on maternity leave for six months, it’s about time I did something, and it’s only up the road in Tottenham. It’ll be fun!

  WHAT WAS I THINKING? I’VE BEEN ON MATERNITY LEAVE FOR SIX MONTHS! I’ve barely read a paper since April! I know nothing about anything! This could be car-crash television. There isn’t even a fee. Or maybe there is it but it’s, like, fifty quid. I’m putting this post up because I always used to put one up before a Question Time, in case people want to debate the issues afterwards. But it may be a mistake this time. It’s very possible I’m about to make Charlotte Church look like Cicero. Oh dear.

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Isobel McDonnell at 10:48 pm on November 5th, 2015

Thank you Victoria for your comments about junior doctors hours on Question Time.

David Dickinson at 11:21 pm on November 5th, 2015

Watching you on Question Time, you have the sexiest voice on TV, with looks to match. And intelligent conversation to boot! Are you the perfect woman?

James G at 11:23 pm on November 5th, 2015


Thank you for putting forward the cause of junior doctors so eloquently on Question Time. We value your support and are eternally grateful.

James (A Junior doctor)

Adam at 11:49 pm on November 5th, 2015

You really stood out as a voice of sanity and managed to remain calm throughout. I don’t think I could. Twas a shame we could not hear your thoughts on education at more length.

Sheryl at 11:49 pm on November 5th, 2015

I have never heard you speak before and to be fair I didn’t even know who you were until I googled you - (I know…where have I been), however I must say I found you witty, smart funny, interesting and I enjoyed listening to what you had to say on tonight’s show. My husband and I also agreed with your opinions to some of the issues discussed.
Thank you Victoria

Jade-Louise Smith at 12:25 am on November 6th, 2015

You didn’t need to worry you were great. You made some brilliant and intelligent comments. You are always a joy to watch as you are great at getting your point across. I hope that all three of you are well.

Amy at 8:28 am on November 6th, 2015

You made a lot of very good points (especially about living in London). You outwitted all of the panellists except for Baroness Jones whom I don’t believe you clashed with. Loved the glass of wine too.

David Dickinson at 8:44 am on November 6th, 2015

Watching Question Time last night, you have the sexiest voice on TV, with looks to match, and intelligent conversation to boot. Are you the perfect Woman?

Austeja Kirdeikyte at 1:55 pm on November 6th, 2015

Dear Victoria,

Really enjoyed listening to you on Question Time yesterday.

You and David must be such a fun couple, if you’re ever in Edinburgh come round for tea.

Nick at 9:29 pm on November 6th, 2015

Well done Victoria, housing is a human right and the young need someone to speak for them.

Duncan Hargreaves at 9:50 pm on November 6th, 2015

Dear Victoria
I just want to say a heartfelt thank you for giving voice so articulately to the dilemma facing us as junior doctors.  As an exhausted and demoralised intensive care registrar I am first in the firing line for antisocial hours.  In particular your calling to account of Chuka Omuna and the evasive doublespeak which characterises a lot of the recent political posturing around the issue of our contracts was timely.  Thank you for lending me some heart to go in to work this weekend after another very long week.

Donald Evans at 8:44 am on November 8th, 2015

Dear Ms Mitchell,

I was recently watching Question Time during which you mentioned you were considering home educating your child. As someone who was home educated with my siblings, for ca. 15 years, I thought I would write to encourage you to do so; if your heart’s in it you will be giving them a fantastic start to life.
Home education is obviously a fairly big decision for you and your family, if you would find it helpful to discuss what home educations is like from an ex-students perspective - and judge my weirdness - do feel free to contact me. I will be lecturing maths in London on Monday and Tuesday if you’d like to grab a coffee during the day.

Good luck and best wishes,
Dr Donald Evans

jim carr at 3:00 pm on November 8th, 2015

charlotte church was making a living from singing by the age of 12. this meant education took a back seat. she ddnt go to oxford or live in london with all the other clever people. however she is not stupid,she is successful,happy,and a good mum. your snobbish remarks about her are unworthy.

John Sears at 10:59 am on November 9th, 2015

No need to worry. You came across as a voice of reason, a person outside of the political circus, free to say what you think, and you think the same as most of us. Well done and thank you

Victoria Coren

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