The New Niall Ferguson
Sunday, 10 August 2008
This morning I’ve been reading Sion Jenkins’ prison memories in the News Of The World. He’s certainly got some fizzing anecdotes and plenty of star names in there; he’s like the David Niven of lifers.
“Harold Shipman was someone I could converse with”, Sion reveals in a sidebar. “We shared an interest in the English Civil War and would often have a cup of tea to discuss it.”
That’s a discussion I’d like to hear. If only the murderous medic hadn’t hanged himself, they could have made a great double act for the History Channel.
But I’m not sure that Sion Jenkins’ PR drive is going to have the effect he wants it to. I assume we’re supposed to go away thinking what a lovable, loving, learned fellow he is. Instead I’m going to have nightmares about him and Dr Shipman, hunched over a pot of Earl Grey, chuckling about the Battle of Naseby. It’s a more sinister image than anything else I’ve read in his entire case.