Victoria Coren Mitchell - Writer, Broadcaster & Poker Player

Tonight’s Heresy: Brucie, Huhne and “Hold the line…”

Thursday, 30 May 2013

  At 6.30pm tonight on Radio 4 (and for the following week on “Listen Again”, of course), Heresy will feature the brilliant Mark Steel, Matthew Norman and Bridget Christie, arguing against the following Received Wisdoms:

- Chris Huhne And His Ex-Wife Got What They Deserved

- Customer Service Should Be Better Than It Is

- It’s Time For Bruce Forsyth To Retire

  Hope it rattles your world… You may, of course, feel free to join the debate after the show, by posting comments in the thread below. If they’re friendly enough, they might make it to public view!

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Vincent De Silva at 5:41 pm on May 30th, 2013

Hell hath no fury as a woman forced to accept hubbies speeding points

Russell at 7:12 pm on May 30th, 2013

Heard the show live on the wireless. Customer Service. Couldn’t help but be reminded of this glorious sketch.

Neil at 2:13 pm on June 2nd, 2013

Apologies for the lack of relevance to your blog post.
Were you privy to the ‘legal reasons’ that stopped the Guardian/Observer opening up your Cameron article to comments? Is the Sandal Lobby stalking the corridors of power with more influence than I’d fully appreciated? They must have gone into meltdown when Cameron applied the kiss of style-death to their livelihood.

Karamat Iqbal at 3:02 pm on June 2nd, 2013

In my book, ‘Dear Birmingham’, I call for us to give religion, including Islam, another chance. I wonder whether that is hereticial!

K Philes at 3:50 pm on June 4th, 2013

I thought the prison rape joke was a bit beneath you.

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