Women Talking About Cars (WITH LINK)
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Tonight, my new radio series starts on Radio Four (6.30pm) - I’m more excited about it than anything I’ve done for ages. It’s a very simple premise: each week, I talk to a different woman about cars, and then I also talk to women in the audience about cars. Tonight’s guest is Dawn French; in future weeks it will be Olivia Colman, Sarah Millican and Germaine Greer. Plus, Josette Simon reads voiceovers that I have written about the cars we’ll be talking about.
I don’t want to say too much about it, as there’s a joke at its heart that gets lost if I over-explain. So, let’s just say that I have a new car show, and I hope that listeners enjoy it!
(You can listen to it here until the end of the month.)
(Here I am talking to AutoTrader as usual).
Ed at 8:40 pm on December 21st, 2016
Loved the prog. In the early 80s, I actually worked for Germaine - for a short time - as a general dogsbody/catsitter. It was delightful working for her. She had four beautiful cats at the time: one called Toddhunter. (This should establish my bona felines.) Once when she was away, she asked me to take them to her vet in her Triumph Herald. I was driving along when suddenly they all escaped from their cat box! (My fault, I’m sure.) Thank goodness the hood was down…
Jo Phillips at 6:09 pm on December 22nd, 2016
I love ‘Women Talking About Cars’. Being a feminist has become more complicated in recent years, but this show has exactly the right tone, content, and humour. Nice one.
Paul Morris-Pinchefsky at 6:05 pm on January 28th, 2017
Hi Victoria… Firstly, I think you’re dandy and very amazing! If you’re ever looking for a beautiful piece of bespoke furniture or anything woody, I’m your blokey! www.woodmonkeyworkshop.com
I’m a bit late with the ‘Women talking about cars’ thing - hope it went well. I’m a bit of a car nut and I’m always window shopping on ebay hahaha… Mustang GT.. what a marvellous machine and as Henry Ford said… “There’s no substitute for cc.” Oh what a beauty!
I think there could be… I’m rambling on.
Hope you receive this small message and forgive me if I’m being silly.
Graham Jackson at 12:30 pm on May 11th, 2017
I have just received tickets for the show on 24-5-17. Will I be the only bloke there? I was once forced to watch Sex and the City 2 with 5 women and after 15 minutes downed vodka as an escape from reality as I couldn’t take it anymore. This may sound a bit weird but so is Sex and the City to a man…