Victoria Coren Mitchell - Writer, Broadcaster & Poker Player

A Resolution Tested

Monday, 1 February 2010

Victoria’s New Year’s Resolution was to say yes to a couple more of the TV programmes she usually rejects through fear. Not the ones she rejects through suspicion; some element of whimsical quality control will still be attempted. But the occasional scary adventure is to be embraced. VC was not expecting, within days of the resolution, an invitation to spend five days locked up in a distant rural location with Frank Skinner and Reginald D Hunter, separated from phones, television and internet, before being released and grilled on a TV comedy panel show about what might or might not have happened in the news. In other words: a terrifying TV experience with a terrifying domestic experience thrown in as a bonus. (No disrespect to Mr. Skinner and Mr. Hunter; VC has not been separated from electronic communication since 1947.) NEVERTHELESS, a resolution is a resolution, and you can watch the potentially disastrous result of this theory on The Bubble, BBC 2, Friday February 19th.

Back in a relative comfort zone, Only Connect continues on BBC 4, Monday nights at 8.30pm. By March, the quarter finals will have begun and everything gets trickier, so tune in now while you might still get the odd question right.

In poker, Victoria is looking forward to playing the first English event on the new UK & Ireland Poker Tour, in Manchester, February 11th-14th. [UPDATE: The tournament was sold out with 512 runners. If you might want to play the UKIPT in Coventry or Nottingham, buy in early to avoid disappointment. Victoria cashed in the Manchester event, finishing 25th for £1650.]

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Victoria Coren

Photo: Anne Laymond

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