Beware The Quiet Lion
Monday, 1 April 2013
This month, Victoria will be doing a bikini shoot for Nuts magazine. April fool, april fool; while you reach for the smelling salts, she will be doing NOT VERY MUCH in public view this month at all.
But hunters always say that there’s no reason to fear a roaring lion, as it’s the quiet ones who are really up to something. The silence bespeaks a very busy phase where Victoria will be off making a new series of Only Connect for BBC Four (hurray!) AND a new series of Heresy for Radio 4 (hurray again!), both of which will start broadcasting in May.
If you want to come along and see a live recording of Heresy in London, you can get tickets for two of the dates via this website and the third date here.. The tickets are FREE, but beware: if you’re late, or even just at the end of the queue, you may not be able to get in. So, arrive in good time if you’re coming!